Here for you.
Active Minds
You don’t have to suffer in silence. This website encourages individuals to reach out about mental illness with the provision of multiple resources to help with self, others and speaking out .
Alliance of Hope for Suicide Loss Survivors
Alliance of Hope is a charitable non profit organization that has a mission to provide 24/7 support for people who have lost their loved one due to suicide.
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Receive resources for anyone impacted by suicide through personal experiences, advocacy, education, and programs.
Grounding Techniques
Let go of your worries, thoughts, and memories by trying grounding techniques provided by Ground yourself and find calm through techniques like the 5,4,3,2,1 approach, body awareness, and mental exercises.
Be Strong
Be Strong is a website/app with the mission to create a safe environment for the youth through a peer to peer approach by improving mental and emotional heath, building strength, and preventing bullies.
Coping Skills for Addictions
This PDF provided by Therapist.aid includes coping methods on social support, diversions, building new habits, addiction prevention, managing emotions and more.
Coming Out: Living Authentically as Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual+
The Human Rights Campaign created a pamphlet with the provision of tips and general information on coming out and how to come out if someone desires to and may be struggling on how.
Family Acceptance Project
The Family Accept Project provides support for LGBTQ children, youth and young adults. They strive to decrease mental health risks and promote well being.
Free Mom Hugs
Founded from an advocate and mother, Free Mom Ugs provides education and tools that assists LGBTQ+ people and their families with name changes, emergency assistance, and same-sex marriage support.
LifeRing Secular Recovery
Organization of people who share sobriety support and experiences. They have meetings in person or online provided with support, understanding, and encouragement. Life Ring recovery is a secular alternative to a traditional 12 step program.
Narcotics Anonymous
Narcotics Anonymous shares a vision that “Every addict in the world has the chance to experience our message in his or her own language and culture and find the opportunity for a new way of life.” It provides support from peers and offers help on living a drug free lifestyle.
Know The Signs
This website points out signs to notice to prevent suicide. You can help make a difference by saving a life.
Know the Signs.
99 Coping Methods
The Family Health Clinic Blog provides 99 different coping methods to try out when you’re “in a funk” and/or need to find ways to process your feelings
.99 Coping Methods