You are not alone. Whatever you’re feeling, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.



“Be who you are and say how you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.”

— Dr. Seuss


Manage your feelings with meditation and calming sounds.

Breathe in, breathe out. Let go of your worries.


Join the conversation.

It’s okay to talk about what you are going through. Your feelings are valid. Below is a list of 24/7 free and confidential crisis hotlines you can try out. “Everyone has their own battle but nobody has to fight alone.”

Mental Health Check In
with Self Care Tips


I’ve been feeling anxious…

Listen to music.
Journal about your day/thoughts.
Breathe slowly and deeply.
Ask for help.


I could use a good cry…

Allow yourself to cry.. let it out!
Take a nap.
Watch a movie with your favorite blanket.
Drink a hot cup of tea.
Reach out.


My mood has been low…

Drink water.
Doodle in a notebook.
Stretch your muscles with yoga.
Snuggle with your pet.
Talk with a friend.